" A Campus of Resources, Promoting Gods Love, Excellence and Encouragement; Advancing the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, One Life at a Time"

Senior Pastor
Reverend Dr. Dennis R. Williams
Executive Coordinator for Ministry Operations
Reverend Lisa Brown-Oates
Ministerial Team
Minister Johnny Burris
Reverend Barney Clay
Minister Donna Clay
Reverend Anna Perryman
Reverend Nikki Sawyer
Reverend Johnny Sibley
Reverend Sharon Jones
Minister of Music
Brother Johnny Anderson

E. Jerome Greene, Sr., Chairperson
Anthony Jett, Vice Chairperson (Sabbatical)
Anthony Brown
Wilch Caldwell, Jr.
Terry Evans
Albert Evans, Sr.
Willie Kilgo
Jerome McCain
Darry Nance Donald Nance
Willie Porter
Lawrence Simpson
Ronald Way
James Wortham
Pearl Wortham, Chairperson
Sheila Simpson, Vice. Chairperson
Gail Blackmon
Keisha Brown
Lorine Evans
Melody Greene
Beverly McCain
Katie Moore
Geraldine Nance
Mary Porter
Cynthia Sibley
Wendy Way
Delores Wilson